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The underground secrets of the perfume industry!

The underground secrets of the perfume industry!
The good, the bad, and the horrible about perfumes.
I wasn’t going to write this article because I know lots of people, especially companies and perfume makers, will hate me forever because of it, but I just couldn’t leave so many good people, collectors, connoisseurs, friends and loyal customers in the darkness about this. I just couldn’t take the guilt and the feeling of seeing so many good, hard-working people saving their hard-earned money and buying something that they may not really know much about!
So, let me start by saying that what is mentioned here is definitely not a generalization and doesn’t apply to all companies and makers and I do appreciate and respect all artesian makers, perfumist and enthusiastic people even those who are just getting to the surface of the perfumery ocean.
First, we will start with the good. Well, that’s not really why I’m writing this but let’s mention a few facts.
1- A thousand years ago you had to be a king, a very rich merchant or royalty to be able to afford your regular perfume or cologne that you wear every day.
2- Mass produced perfumes and colognes are getting more and more affordable because of the increasing global demand in relation to the mass supply chain involved in it.
3- If you are reading this article this means you like or have an interest in perfumery and that means you are probably smart, successful, and a very detailed-oriented person who pays attention to the way you look and smell - good for you.
The bad:
This will sound a little unoptimistic, but you must know.
1- Based on the current consumption of agarwood, musk, and ambergris there is a possibility that one or more of them will be extinct in the next few years! And that’s why its radically increasing in value every year.
(So, save some good natural oils - it’s a good investment.)
2- In the last 100 years many of the top perfume houses were bought or acquired by large corporations or joint ventures with large corporations. The corporation’s goal was simply “maximize profit in any possible way” which resulted in a striking decrease in quality, and the use of may synthetic materials that many thought would never be used in anything that would touch the human skin!
(Try to buy natural whenever you can.)
3- Perfume companies don’t have to disclose all or most of the materials used in their perfumes. This is supposed to protect the company trade and formula, so the formula can’t be remade or regenerated. Many chemists and lab experts believe that some of those undisclosed materials could be poisonous or toxic. (Be careful what you wear or put on your skin.)
The horrible:
1- In most ready packed brand name perfumes and colognes you buy, the bottle, packaging and sealing cost more than the juice.
(Think about that next time you see a new perfume in a nice fancy bottle).
2- About 50% or more of the brand name perfumes and colognes that were made in the last 10 years are simple reformulations or recreations of older perfumes and sometimes the similarities are strikingly clear.
(Many perfumists and collectors will know exactly what I’m talking about.)
3- More than 90% of the top perfume brand names test on animals, and many famous brand names use or source material from countries with unethical sourcing and/or child labor.
(Not the greatest karma on a spray-spray base.)
What is the solution?
1- Read about what you are buying and wearing before you buy it and wear it.
2- Try to use renewable ethical natural materials whenever possible.
3- Try not to follow the fast trends of fashion, instead go with the solid establishment of style.
And just to summarize here is a simple short comparison between natural oil perfumes and mass-produced alcoholic smells.
Manufactured ready-bottled alcohol perfumes and colognes:
1- Have about 3% - 10% oil (perfume).
2- In 99%, 3% - 10% of the oil is synthetic NOT natural.
3- Have about 70% - 90% alcohol.
4- Have about 5% - 15% water (diluted).
5- More than 90% of the top perfume brand names test on animals.
6- Most of the chemicals in perfumes are not disclosed on the perfume label and most of these chemicals are POISONOUS.
7- Many of the top brand names use materials from countries with unethical sourcing and child labor.
Natural oils (our oils):
1- 100% pure extracted (therapeutic grade oil).
2- 100% natural oils, no synthetic chemicals, no additives.
3- 0% (no Alcohol or dissolvent).
4- Full maximum extraction concentration, no water (not diluted).
5- NO animal testing (NO animal is ever killed or harmed in sourcing, making, or selling any of our products).
6- NO poisonous substances, just pure natural oils and if it’s a mix of more than one oil, we will clearly state exactly what it is.
7- We only use experts specialized in this work - farmers, connoisseurs, artists - and we pay top dollar for it. We supervise all our work from the source to the sale. We will NEVER use/abuse the poor or needy to make a profit.